7 Secrets to successful gardening

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Gardening doesn't have to be hard or inexpensive if you have the right tools.So we are going to share some of the secrets if you want to make your garden more successful without spending lots of money.

Your garden can’t grow without water and how you water makes a huge difference.


1. Underground Irrigation

Underground irrigation is a great place to start. It helps to decrease evaporation and gives water to the roots of your plants where it is most needed.So lets talk few ways to do it. Some people use underground lines. Olla Pots are also very easy and effective to use. Olla Pots are terracotta pots buried in the middle of your garden. After a few hours, water sips our of the pots. These techniques are great because the plants take exactly the amount of water they need.











2. Collect Rain water

Ever notice how much your plants flourish after a good rain.You can collect the rain water from the rain pipes and consistently water your plants. However, with the hot summers and little rain, it is not really feasible but you still need to make sure that your plants are getting water.

You may need to filter your water to take our fluoride and chloride which actually kills lots of beneficial bacteria and microbes in the soil. You can use an inexpensive inline filter to your water source.

One of the things that is good with rain water is that it is filled with oxygen, which actually helps the plants grow.


3. Grass

A huge annoyance is grass. It’s bad for the plants because they compete for nutrients .If you don’t intervene, the grass wins and you may end up having more grass than food.One way to stop the problem before it starts is to block the grass.  You can put mulch, to prevent the grass from growing. Mulch can be cardboard, old newspapers, and saw dust. Mulch works by prevent sunlight to the soil and prevents the grass from growing.


4. Fertilizers

Fertilizers provide nutrients to the plants  and the best advice is to choose organic fertilizers.


5. Healthy Soil

A healthy soil is another crucial thing for a successful gardening. You need to make sure you have chunky soil so that your plants roots get oxygen and also it makes it easy for beneficial bugs and worms to live.


6. Pollination

You may have the best soil, fertilizers and water our plants regularly, but still you may not get food. The culprit is that sometimes there is not enough bees for pollination. You may place pollination blocks to attract the bees. Don’t worry, they are not interested in staying there


7. Summer heat

Summer heat is very miserable for us as well as the plants. Shade cloth is a simple solution to give the plants relief from the direct sunlight and also give room for the bees to pollinate